Safe2Say Something

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Phone Number: 1-844-723-2729

General Information

In 2018, the General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use of the “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) anonymous reporting system by every Pennsylvania school entity by January 14, 2019.  S2SS is a life-saving and life-changing school safety program that allows tipsters to anonymously report this information through the S2SS app, website, or 24/7 Crisis Center Hotline.

Program Background

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has established S2SS and will manage and maintain the program. The OAG, in partnership with Sandy Hook Promise (SHP), a leader in anonymous reporting systems, has built out the app, website, and PA-based 24/7 Crisis Center. SHP is a national non-profit committed to creating safe schools and communities through their four evidenced-based Know the Signs intervention programs. To date, SHP has delivered its programs to 10,000+ schools and trained 5+ million youth and adults in every state resulting in countless suicide, school shooting and firearm threat interventions and countless bullying, drug use, and other acts of violence and victimization interventions.

How it Works

  1. Via mobile app, website, or phone call 1-844-723-2729—arriving first at the S2SS Crisis Center.

  2. Crisis Center analysts vet and triage the tip, then engage the tipster in anonymous two-way chat in order to provide detailed and immediately- actionable information to schools and dispatch.

  3. Crisis Center analysts deliver the tip to the impacted school and, as needed, local law enforcement via 911 County dispatch.

  4. The school and, as needed, local law enforcement, assess and intervene with threat- risk individual.

  5. The school then closes out the tip and reports actions taken as a record for their school.

Tip Processing

OAG Crisis Center analysts are trained to vet and triage tips by: (1) conducting 2-way anonymous dialog with tipsters to gather missing information and ensure enough information is provided for schools and local law enforcement to act upon, (2) categorizing each tip as either “Life Safety” or “Non-Life Safety,” for ease of prioritization by tip recipients, and (3) delivering the tip to the impacted school and, when needed, its local law enforcement via 911 county dispatch.

Tip Response and Management

The S2SS platform allows users (Crisis Center analysts, school entities, and 911 County Dispatch) to access / manage tips and coordinate interventions on both their PC and mobile device. Additionally, the platform allows for real-time 2-way dialog with tipsters and the viewing / sharing of attachments (such as screenshots or videos) uploaded by the tipster. The platform permits communication between school / dispatch users on each tip, allowing for up-to-the-second information-sharing and action that all see and read at the same time– as one of the MOST critical pieces of information needed for a Life Safety issue is a child’s address. This address must be passed to 911 Dispatch to pass to the local law enforcement to act upon. This exchange can take seconds, helping to act quicker to save lives.