Milton High School Tech. Ed./Computers Courses

Welcome to the High School Tech. Ed./Computer Curriculum page.

HS Tech. Ed./Computers Courses.

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Introduction to Woodworking

Introduction to Woodworking

Car Care & Small Engines

Car Care & Small Engines

Technical Drawing 1

Technical Drawing 1

Technical Drawing 1

Technical Drawing 1

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Computer Graphics & Multimedia





Desktop Publishing and Advanced Publishing and Design

Desktop Publishing and Advanced Publishing and Design

Desktop Publishing and Advanced Publishing and Design

Desktop Publishing and Advanced Publishing and Design

Woodworking 1

Woodworking 1

Woodworking 1

Woodworking II

Woodworking II

Woodworking II

Woodworking III

Woodworking III

Woodworking III

Technical Drawing II

Technical Drawing II

Technical Drawing II

School Publications

School Publications

School Publications

Woodworking IV

Woodworking IV

Technical Drawing III

Technical Drawing III

Introduction to Gaming and Simulation-PC Now

Introduction to Gaming and Simulation-PC Now

PC Now Intro to Programming

PC Now Intro to Programming

Technical Drawing IV

Introduction to Woodworking

This course provides students an opportunity to learn the basics of wood working, measurement, reading plans and basic tool use. Safety practices are emphasized and students will manufacture 3-4 teacher-selected projects.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – TECH – Introduction to Woodworking

Car Care & Small Engines

This course is designed for students that are interested in understanding their automobiles: the technologies underlying the car’s major systems, the basics of inspection and maintenance, and the financial aspects of owning and operating an automobile. This course would be recommended, but not a required prerequisite for Automotive Technology. Students will be taught the technologies underlying the car’s major systems, the basics of inspection and maintenance, and the financial aspects of owning and operation an automobile. Small Engine covers the fundamentals of small engine repair and servicing. After learning what makes two-cycle and four-cycle engines work, students in this course will get a hands-on, guided experience disassembling a small engine. This course meets 1 block per day.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Car Care

Technical Drawing 1

This course is designed to prepare each student in basic blueprint reading. We study mechanical drawing and blueprint reading so that we can not only make accurate drawings of our own but also understand the drawings of others. By applying the basic rules and making good projection drawings, we can show other people exactly what we want to make or build. Technical Drawing will help students learn to visualize in three dimensions, to develop and strengthen their technical imagination, to think precisely, to read and write the language of industries and to gain experience in making working drawings according to modern commercial practice. Computer-aided drafting will be used on some of the basic projects. Basic architectural drawing of floor plans is also part of this course. This course meets every day for one semester.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Technical Drawing I

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Computer Graphics & Multimedia

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful application for color painting, photo retouching, and image editing. This program is commonly used by graphic designers, multimedia specialists, videographers, and Webmasters to create compelling images for print and/or electronic distribution. This class will cover image basics, Photoshop’s work area, modifying images with selection tools, how to work with layers, masks and channels, photo retouching, pen tool techniques, creating special effects, along with how to use printers, scanners and digital cameras. Grades for this course will be based on completing required class assignments, tests and daily productivity. Introduction to Computer Graphics & Multi-Media is designed to spark interest in various computer software and prepare that student for advanced study in High-Tech Lab 1. Students will work on numerous pieces of software for a period of 3 to 4 weeks giving the student the opportunity to study 4 to 5 pieces of software. Course content emphasis is on graphics for print and multimedia. Topics include 2D and 3D graphics, animation, video editing, website construction, and current computer topics.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Intro to Adobe Photoshop
Course Syllabus –
HS Syllabus – TECH – Graphics and Multimedia


The class will give the student an overview to the basic principles of programming and is recommended to any student wishing to seek a computer science degree in post-secondary school. To achieve this overview, the instructor will make use of the following computer languages: C++ and HTML. Students will be expected to acquire a working knowledge of machinery, the C++ and HTML computer languages and write various programs. Career options, software, evaluation, and a historical overview will be presented throughout the semester. Students will also be expected to acquire a working knowledge of machinery, visual basic computer language and write various programs. Career options, software, evaluation, and a historical overview will be presented throughout the semester.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – BASIC Programming
Course Syllabus –
HS Syllabus – TECH – C++ Programming

Desktop Publishing and Advanced Publishing and Design

This class will introduce the workings of a Macintosh computer and the application of desktop publishing software. The course will focus on two pieces of software: Adobe InDesign and GoLive. InDesign will be used to create and publish printed materials. GoLive will be the tool for creation of electronic media. Students will learn about production of published materials such as brochures, magazines, journals, yearbooks, and web pages. Students will also be instructed in the operation of a scanner and digital camera, and how to place captured graphics into documents. Some photoshop skills will be introduced along with the incorporation of multimedia in web pages. This class will also provide education in design, graphics, and the process to create a multi-page document. Building on the skills learned in Desktop Publishing students will learn to process leading to the creation of a yearbook and playbook. The focus of the class will be the Jostens Yearbook Curriculum.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Desktop Publishing
Course Syllabus –
HS Syllabus – TECH – Advanced Publishing & Design

Woodworking 1

This course places emphasis on foundational skills as they pertain to woodworking. Power tools and machinery are central components as well as a wide variety of woodworking techniques and joinery methods. Students have a variety of differing wood types and finishes to choose from in order to manufacture 4 teacher selected projects. Customizing projects is allowed to a small degree.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Woodworking 1-4

Woodworking II

Woodworking 2 is an intermediate level course devoted to the manufacture of at least two major projects. One selected by the teacher the other by the student. Students have a high degree of freedom to customize and individualize all of their projects. More advanced joinery and woodworking techniques are introduced as well as additional wood types to choose from.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Woodworking 1-4

Woodworking III

Woodworking 3 is an advance course of independent study. Students have complete freedom to choose and develop their own projects to in include plans, joinery, wood type and customization. Self-motivation is key as the student is the driver of all the work and the teacher is more of a resource and sounding board.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Woodworking 1-4

Technical Drawing II

Technical Drawing 2 is an advanced course open to students who have completed Technical Drawing 1. The course is designed to prepare the students in advanced mechanical drawing preparation and advanced blueprint reading. Advance computer-aided drafting will be used on 85% of the drawing projects. This course meets every day for one year.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Technical Drawing II

School Publications

Recommended Prerequisite: 85% in Advanced Publishing & Design. It is also recommended that students have completed Introduction to Adobe Photoshop and Introduction to Graphics & Multimedia.
This class will be responsible for the creations of school publications (yearbook, playbills, Prowling the Halls videos and webpages). Students will use class time, advanced programs, and research to create written and graphic materials for the student body, administration, sports teams, clubs, and staff. Students will have to meet deadlines and create a project of their own to be completed upon the instructor’s review. Students in School Publications and Journals 2 will have managerial and editing responsibilities.
Prerequisites: Desktop Publishing and Advanced Publishing and Design-Course

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – School Publications

Woodworking IV

Woodworking 4 is an advance course of independent study that allows students to further their woodworking skills learned in woodworking 3. Students have complete freedom to choose and develop their own projects to include plans, joinery, wood type and customization. Self-motivation is the key as the student is the driver of all the work and the teacher is more of a resource and sounding board.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Woodworking 1-4

Technical Drawing III

Technical Drawing 3 is an advance course open to students who have completed Technical Drawing 2. The course is designed to prepare the students in advanced mechanical drawing, advanced blueprint reading, basic architectural drawing, architectural model building and architectural computer project. Advanced computer-aided drafting, will be used on 99% of the drawing projects. This course meets every day for on semester

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Technical Drawing III

Introduction to Gaming and Simulation-PC Now

Introductory topics include gaming industry history, game development processes, game genres, storyboarding, game environment, character design, interface design, game play, AI, the psychology of game design, and professionalism. Study provides overall view of the gaming and simulation components. Practical hands-on application includes using a simple game environment to design and write simple games. (Students have the option to take this class for 3 college credits through the Pennsylvania College of Technology. Students electing to do this must pass the Pennsylvania college of Technology Achievement Test.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – PCNow Introduction to Gaming & Simulation

PC Now Intro to Programming

Introduction to Programming (CIT 160, 3 credits) Introduction to problem-solving techniques, elementary programming, and application of these techniques in developing structured programs. A current high-level language is used to illustrate the implementation phase of program development. Prerequisites: Placement by Examination.

Technical Drawing IV

Technical Drawing 4 is an advance course open to students who have completed Technical Drawing 3. The course is designed to prepare the students in advanced mechanical drawing, advanced blueprint reading, advance architectural drawing and model building, and 3D solid Modeling. This course meets every day for one semester.

Course Syllabus – HS Syllabus – TECH – Technical Drawing IV