Milton High School English Courses

Welcome to the High School English Curriculum page. To view course descriptions and syllabi please scroll to the class name and click the subject.

HS English Courses.

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

English 9 

English 10 

English 11 

English 12 

Honors English 9 

Honors English 10  

Honors English 11  

PC Now English 12  










AP Literature and Composition  

AP Literature and Composition  


Creative Writing

English 9 

English 9 is a course that is designed from the PA Common Core Curriculum Standards for Composition and English Language Arts. Students will be exposed to the genres of literary fiction, literary non-fiction, and informational texts with emphasis on argumentative and expository composition and integration of text evidence in response to literature. Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Research, and Technology skills will be integrated into each unit throughout the 90 minute blocked semester course to help prepare students for the Keystone exams, college, careers, and life-long learning.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 9

Honors English 9 

English 9H will practice all the skills of other 9th grade students, but the honors level course includes additional reading and writing expectations. Students will extensively analyze and evaluate literature of a variety of genres and write for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students who enroll in the honors level class should have the recommendation of their 8th grade English teacher and a minimum of a proficient score on the 8th grade PSSA in reading.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 9 Honors


Journalism/Reporter is designed to familiarize students with all phases of newspaper reading and writing as well as to provide a service to the school and community by publishing their own school newspaper. Students are taught to communicate, understand, and respect the written word through the media of newspapers. Specifically, they learn the theory and practice of newspaper writing and evaluation in the areas of news, sports, features, and editorials. The total production of their own school newspaper including planning, writing, editing, photographing, advertising, and laying out gives them practical application of the skills which they are taught. As time permits, students learn design and computer layout of pages. This course demands many out of class hours on the part of the student.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – Journalism


Journalism/Reporter is a Prerequisite for this advanced course in Journalism. Areas taught in Journalism/Reporter are reviewed and expanded. The student in Journalism/Editorial accepts more responsibility in various editors’ positions on the staff of the school paper. Design and computer layout of pages is learned and mastered. Students also run a news bureau, and are responsible for writing school press releases for the local newspaper. Advanced study of professional publications takes place with emphasis on the power and responsibility of the media. In continuation of this, students study and experience radio and television broadcasting as time permits. This course demands may out of class hours on the part of the student.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – Journalism

English 10

This course is designed to fulfill the curricular requirements of English as defined by the State and Common Core standards. The class is divided to encompass a wide range literature and genres, allow for close reading of individual texts, enhance grammar skills, and develop vocabulary acquisition. The course will be integrated with ample opportunities to develop a sophisticated writing style and improve as an analytical reader. This class will prepare for the Keystone Exam, careers, and lifelong learning.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 10

Honors English 10

Classroom instruction will be designed to develop the ability for reading high level literary and nonfiction text, evaluating literature and non-fiction and writing (formally and informally) for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students will conduct research using a variety of reliable sources and will present information orally and in writing. Classroom instruction will include reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as dictated in Pennsylvania’s Core Standards.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 10 Honors

English 11

This course focuses on the skills required by the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards for 11th grade English Language Arts. Students will read and analyze various American literature texts from the major literary time periods, including fiction and nonfiction, from the works of the earliest settlers through those of contemporary writers. Composition instruction will focus on improving student writing skills in various writing styles through a variety of assignments with an emphasis on the research process and the skills necessary to produce an argumentative research paper. Student vocabulary and grammar skills will continue to be emphasized.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 11

Honors English 11

Honors English 11 is designed as a full credit replacement for the English 11requiement. This advanced course is designed for highly motivated juniors who plan to attend a post-secondary educational institution and desire an intensive, rigorous course in reading and writing. The course focuses on the skills required by the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards for 11th grade English Language Arts. Students will read, analyze and evaluate various American literature texts from the major literary time periods, including fiction and nonfiction, from the works of the earliest settlers through those of contemporary writers. Writing instruction will focus on strengthening student writing skills through intensive and varied writing assignments including analysis and synthesis of varied sources to create research based compositions. Student vocabulary and grammar skills will continue to be emphasized and incorporated within the literature and writing units of study.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 11 Honors

English 12

This course is designed to fulfill the curricular requirements of English as defined by the State and Common Core standards. The class is divided to encompass a wide range literature and genres, allow for close reading of individual texts, enhance grammar skills, and develop vocabulary acquisition. The course will be integrated with ample opportunities to develop a sophisticated writing style and improve as an analytical reader.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – English 12

PC Now English 12

This class is intended for seniors that would like to continue their education after graduation. The class will encompass a wide range of literature and genres, allow for close reading of individual texts, enhance grammar skills, and develop vocabulary acquisition. In addition, as a college level transferrable class, it will focus on fundamental writing and research skills with an emphasis on expository writing. Emphasis on literary analysis, discussion, and practice of writing that explores, explains, and argues. 3 Credits eligible at Penn College or transferable credits to a list of other colleges.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – PC Now English

AP Literature and Composition

This course is designed to fulfill the curricular requirements described in the AP English Course Description for Literature and Composition. The class is divided to encompass a wide range of time periods, cultures, and genres and to allow for close reading of individual texts. The course will be integrated with ample opportunities to develop a sophisticated writing style, including appropriate diction, varied syntax, logical organization, substantiated generalizations, apt selection of detail, appropriate tone, and consistent voice.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – AP English

Creative Writing 

This course is provided for students in grade 12 and will focus on developing and showcasing the creative faculties of students. The range of writings will include short story, poetry, and the novel. The class will be in the workshop structure, reviewing model readings and techniques coupled with independent writing time, using the Collins format for process and grading. Writing will be supplemented by reading short essays by literary critics throughout the course and applying subsequent concepts. The novel writing portion of the course will follow the NaNoWriMo schedule, as well as use of some supplementary material. Ideal for students with a creative edge, this course caters to those who long for academic time to evolve a beloved craft and build their personal portfolio.

Course SyllabusHS Syllabus – ENG – Creative Writing